God never created anyone with extraordinary strength that cannot wear out. He is the only one who is called the Almighty One. No matter what your ability is or how talented you are, a certain time comes when you need God to help you. In Daniel chapter 10, verse 8, Daniel is one of the major prophets in the Bible; he is a highly anointed person. But it got to a certain stage, the Bible says, his strength drained.
Then, in verse 18 of this chapter, the Bible says, “Then there came again and touched me one like the appearance of a man, and he strengthened me”. That is the angels of heaven and divine touch. Wherever you are now, in your situation, you may have lost strength financially, you might have lost strength about your job, about something very important to you, and it seemed that you are not able to stand anymore. I want to tell you God is sending the Angel to strengthen you.
As you’re reading this message right now, God is doing something. You may not see it with your physical eyes, but I want to tell you that very soon, it will manifest. Even Jesus Christ, our Lord and Savior, experienced it.
Before the day of crucifixion, He became weary. That is normal because He was ina human body. When you read the Bible in Luke chapter 22 verse 43, the Bible says,” And the angel of heaven came and strengthened Him, and He was able to accomplish His purpose on earth.
For that purpose you want to accomplish and you don’t have strength to carry out, God is going to touch you again, He will strengthen you and you shall have a good strength. You also will have a testimony of strength very soon! A testimony of good health, good job, good home, financial blessings, and miracles in Jesus' mighty name.